Google chrome - Youtube URL autocorrecting to - _ - in search bar - Super User

Youtube URL autocorrecting to “youtube.com___” in search bar

In the search bar in Chrome, when I start to type youtube, it will automatically give me youtube.com___ first. The first suggestion will be "youtube.com___/", and then "youtube.com__/", then "youtube.com_/", and then all the way at the bottom, "".

It only happens with youtube, no other website does this.

It's very annoying as it basically makes it extremely hard to navigate to youtube, especially when trying to search it.

Here is a picture showing the problem,

This has been happening to me for years, but I haven't bothered asking why until now. I recently switched from Safari back to Chrome, as it feels more responsive, but I'm facing the dreaded youtube problem again. I can't find any other information about this on the internet.

I'm running Chrome 39.0.2171.7 dev (64-bit) on Mac OS X Yosemite Public Beta 5
